Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Job To Cancel Reminder Qty of Purchase Orders from CSV File

static void PO_CancelReminder(Args _args)
    PurchLine       _PurchLine;
    Qty             _qty;
    PurchId         _PurchId;
    Dialog          dialog;
    Filename        filenameWarehouse,filenameItem;
    DialogField     dialogFilename;
    container       conFilter = ["Comma Seperated Value .txt ""*.csv"];
    FilenameOpen    filename;
    Container       record;
    IO  iO;
    boolean first = true;
    dialog = new dialog();
    dialog.caption("Select PO File");
    dialogFilename = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(FilenameOpen));
        filenameWarehouse = dialogFileName.value();
        iO = new CommaTextIo(filenameWarehouse,#IO_Read);
        if(!iO || iO.status() != IO_Status::Ok)
            throw error("@SYS19358");
        while(iO.status()  == IO_Status::Ok)
            record =;
            if(conPeek(record,1)&&conPeek(record,1) != '')
                _PurchId = conPeek(record,1);
                while select forupdate * from _PurchLine where _PurchLine.PurchId == _PurchId // _PurchLine.RemainInventPhysical > 0
                    if(_PurchLine.RemainPurchPhysical > 0)
                        _Qty = _PurchLine.RemainPurchPhysical;
                        _PurchLine.RemainPurchPhysical = 0;
                        _PurchLine.RemainInventPhysical = 0;
                            info(strFmt("PO# %1 Line# %2 Item# %3 C.Qty %4",_PurchLine.PurchId,_PurchLine.LineNumber,_PurchLine.ItemId,_qty));

Thursday, April 11, 2019

How to select aggregate fields using query?

Query query;
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
QueryBuildRange qbr;
QueryRun queryrun;

date fromDate = systemDateGet();
date toDate = (systemDateGet() + 25);
query          = new Query();
qbds           = query.addDataSource(tableNum(MyTable));
qbds.addGroupByField(fieldNum(MyTable, DateField));
qbds.addGroupByField(fieldNum(MyTable, CurrencyNameField));
qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, DateField));
qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, CurrencyNameField));
qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, EURAmountField), SelectionField::Sum);
qbds.addSelectionField(fieldNum(MyTable, USDAmountField), SelectionField::Sum);
qbr            = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(MyTable, DateField));
qbr.value(queryRange(fromDate, toDate));

queryRun       = new QueryRun(query);

AX 2012 Split Default Dimension to get Department

Public display Description Department()

    Name dimensionAttributeName;
    RecId DepartmentAttribute;
    DefaultDimensionView dimensionView;
    DimensionAttribute dimensionAttribute;
    DimensionAttribute      dimAttribute;

    dimensionAttributeName = "Department";
    DepartmentAttribute = DimensionAttribute::findByName('Department').RecId;

            select firstOnly dimensionView
            where dimensionView.DefaultDimension == this.DefaultDimension

            join dimensionAttribute
            where dimensionView.Name == dimensionAttribute.Name &&
            dimensionView.Name == dimensionAttributeName;
            dimAttribute = DimensionAttribute::find(dimensionView.DimensionAttributeId);
    return DimensionFinancialTag::findByFinancialTagCategoryAndValue(dimAttribute.financialTagCategory(), dimensionView.DisplayValue).Description;

pass temporary data from Ax 2012 to SSRS

I would like to talk a little bit about the SRSTmpTblMarshaller class.
For those who doesn’t know yet, this class makes it possible to share existing temporary data between an AX object and the SSRS.
There are several ways in which you could use a temporary table with the SRSS, but let’s consider the following scenario:
Your report will be printed through a form button and that form uses a temporary table as DataSource. This data can also be manipulated by the user, so you cannot reprocess this data with the DataProvider class.
Instead of turning the temporary table (InMemory) in a regular table – I’ve saw some people doing that, you can use the SRSTmpTblMarshaller as a way batter alternative:
    1. In your contract class, you need to create an accessor method do keep this recordId from the SrsTmpDataStore or you can simply extend the SrsTmpTblMarshallerContract that already have this.
    2. In your controller class, you need to call the sendTmpTblToDataProvid method using your table buffer as parameter. This will store your table buffer as a container inside the SrsTmpDataStore table and return the recordId: protected void preRunModifyContract()
          SrsTmpTblMarshallerContract contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as SrsTmpTblMarshallerContract;
          // get the Temp table, and marshall it across to SSRS
          new SRSReportRunPermission().assert();
    3. Request permission by using the assert method in the  SRSReportRunPermission class
    4. Set the recordId inside the accessor method that you’ve created.
    5. Then in your data provider class you can unpack your table buffer using the method getTmpTbl from SRSTmpTblMarshaller class using as parameters the recordId from the SrsTmpDataStore table that you kept in your contract:
      private void initBankReconciliationPrintoutTmp()
          SrsTmpTblMarshallerContract contract = this.parmDataContract()as SrsTmpTblMarshallerContract;
          //Temp Table Object that was returned from SRSDataCarrier
          new SRSReportRunPermission().assert();
          bankReconciliationPrintoutTmp = SRSTmpTblMarshaller::getTmpTbl(contract.parmTmpTableDataRecId());
    6. Remove your buffer from the scope using the deleteTmpTblData method.
    7. You can also check the BankReconcilliation report. It’s a good example on how to use this functionality. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

How to create menu and menu item in dynamics 365?

to display any menu Dynamics 365, you need to create a menu item  as the following 

create a project and add a new item, select user interface from dynamics 365 items as the below 

as you see, there are multiple items items 

output menu item for reports 
display menu item for forms
action menu item for class 

select display menu item and set name, click add

set the label (this label will display for users)  and select object type form 
select the object custgroup for example 

save and build your solution 

Now, we need to create menu for this menu item 

as the same, just right click on your project and add a new item 
select user interface from dynamics 365 items and choose menu as the below 
set name and click add

set label for this menu and select menu item type form 
locate your menu item name  as the below 

you configure it for specific countries by setting country region code

select the menu item, menu item type, and label

create an extension from a menu like accounts recivable as the below 

add sub menu for your main menu

set properties for this menu

then build your project and refresh your browser to see changes.

Dynamics 365 F&O Export Import projects between environments

Sometimes, the developer needs to use the previous development in other projects, so To transfer elements to a different installation, you can use a project package file.

to use a project package file , just export project 
1-Export project

Right-click on your project and click export

set name and select the path that you need to save

A project package contains all the elements from the project.

 Project package files have the .axpp file name extension.

just wait until export finish

2-import project

To use the contents of a project package file, you must import the .axpp file into an installation.
go to dynamics 365 tab in visual studio and click import 

The elements from the project package file will be imported into the same model that they were exported from. If that model doesn’t exist in the installation, it will be created during the import process.

you can check this link for more details.

specify the location for project file that you need to import and click overwrite if you need to overwrite the existing element

also, you can open this project in the current solution or create new if you need

you can select all elements or specific element form details, just check or uncheck

click OK

click ok to reload

also, the built must be stopped before the project can be closed

you can stop built from the built tab and click cancel

you can view history to compare the previous version and checked in version to see the difference.

just right click on your element and click view history
